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50 years of innovation

In 1970, the French pharmacist Roland Mehl created the award as a tribute to “innovative pharmacotherapeutic research” to recognize society’s appreciation of drug research. Mehl had few opportunities to make his idea a reality. That’s why he sought support from the publisher of the French medical journal ‘Le Quotidien du Médecin’, which would become patron and organizer of the award.

Claudius Galenus himself was a successful Greek physician, based on humour theory.

The Prix Galien was a purely French concept, until Belgium participated in 1982…

The belgian chapter

Artsenkrant/Le Journal du Médecin have been organizing the Prix Galien for 41 years, a prestigious award that promotes innovation in healthcare! After 1982, several other countries followed quickly. 

Currently, the Prix Galien exists in a dozen countries in and outside Europe. 


The Galien Foundation fosters, recognizes and rewards excellence in scientific innovation that improves the state of human health. The institution tries to fuel global debate on health, acknowledges historical innovation and raises public awareness.